Last weekend Helen and I were among the thousands of lucky folks who were able to enjoy Seafair from Lake Washington. Helen and I, along with Rich and Holly, went aboard Hunter and Monica's boat to watch the Blue Angels. It was a gorgeous summer day and Lake Washington was packed!
I've seen the Blue Angels while visiting the Naval Academy in Annapolis, but it wasn't anything like watching from the water. They flew so close to the surface that the roar of their engines made waves, and they flew so fast that the whoosh of the jet engines would trail the planes by a few seconds. It was really awesome!
After the show we went tubing. What a blast whipping around the water bouncing over the wake. Rich and I were first up and it was my first time. I held on for dear life and if it weren't for Rich giving me advice on when to hold tight and what to do for sure I would have capsized. Later on Helen told me I was bouncing around like a rag doll. We all took turns, but Rich was the real daredevil. Hunter had him flying around -- that's Rich in the picture above -- but he held on.