Friday, September 01, 2006

Farewell Corndawg

Friday was Jeff's last day at Cingular. Although his tenure at Cingular (and AWS before that) lasted over 3 years, Corndawg's only been with our group for little more than a year.

In that time he's proven to be industrious, creative and extremely capable. More than that, he's brought a zany energy to our group. Jeff is famous for his office wagers - not the type that involves money, but that more rare and sweetest of prizes - bragging rights. Who can forget the famous Super Bowl wager? Or the endless rounds of cubicle plinking and paper football? His cube was always like Grand Central Station - noisy, chatty, pealing with laughter, and heavily trafficked. Newly minted colleagues and oldtimers alike were instantly drawn into Jeff's circle. A visit to the Corndawg Corner guaranteed a lightening of the proverbial load, no matter what time of day or what mess needed to be solved.

In short, Jeff always brought an extra helping of fun to share with his fellow citizens of Dilbertland. He was by far the most beloved character of our little bunch. So much so that there wasn't just one, but three going away parties. We'll miss ya, Corndawg.

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