Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm blogging as fast as I can...

What an incredible piece of machinery the internet is. Helen and I were celebrating our friend Monica's birthday at Ray's Boathouse in Ballard and someone mentions that he heard about my blog. So the next 15 minutes I'm peppered with questions:

"What exactly is a blog?"
"How did you get started?"
"What do you write about?"
"What's the name of your blog?"
"I heard they write about products on blogs."
"Can I find it using Google?"

The internet has become so ingrained in our lives that you'd be hard pressed to find someone who doesn't have email. Blogging has moved from niche to mainstream. The scary thing is, to this day I've only told 4 people about this blog. And that was on the day I started the thing. The more people pay attention, the more the beast needs to be fed.


Anonymous said...

As the circle of those privy to the DL blog increases so does the pressure. Write on good sir!

Drewje said...

You tell it to Robin, it gets linked from her site, you get traffic. It's that simple. Glad to see you got off the dime and are writing some more. It gets easier!