The PSU-FSU game contained the most intense play I've seen all season, with the defenses delivering knockout punch after knockout punch to overmatched offenses that somehow kept getting up off the gridiron canvas. I was completely incapable of focusing on the marketing services document I was supposed to write as I literally found myself sitting at the computer with fingers on keyboard for most of the 2nd half without typing more than 10 words. It was additionally gratifying to share the experience with my good friend Oliver via IM, who was probably doing the exact same thing I was. The game can best be described by the often used cliche "the agony and the ecstacy" as late in the game each side wasted a couple of golden opportunities to clinch the victory through the unimaginable failure of the kicking game.
After such tremendously dramatic games (even the ND-OSU game was emotional for me due to my clandestine Irish heritage), the over-hyped Championship game between USC and Texas had tremendous potential for letdown, especially if it had been a blowout. Instead it was a game decided literally in the last seconds, and filled with all the momentum and emotional swaying that was promised.
Man, I love college football. Now I've got to wait 8 months for the next season!
As I began to sink into the inevitable post-bowl depression, I happened upon something that just might provide the competitive drama to tide me over until the the Superbowl, Winter Olympics and March Madness. It's an athletic competition requiring stamina, balance and style -- it's...

The concept: Ten celebrities partner with professional ballroom dance champions to train and perform in front of judges in an elimination format. Imagine "American Idol" blended with "Celebrity Fit Club" and topped off with a pinch of "The Surreal Life." What drew me to the show, in my football withdrawal state, was the fact that Jerry Rice was one of the celebrity contestants. Even so, I thought I'd only check it out to get a quick laugh watching the greatest receiver in NFL history dancing the Cha Cha. Instead I found myself laughing hysterically at ESPN sports anchor Kenny Mayne's impression of a dancing ironing board, marveling at actress Tatum O'Neill's silly personality, and oogling WWE wrestling star Stacy Keibler's 42 inch legs. Folks, we have reached the apex of reality-celebrity-hilarity television. It doesn't get any better than this. Thursday and Friday nights at 8:00 PM on ABC. Be there. You'll thank me.

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